Friday, January 30, 2009

Frosted Nixon Flakes

It can be a little dangerous to organize your life around what you think would make for interesting blogging fodder. For instance, last night, the beautiful KMD & I were planning on what movie to take in this off Friday. We jointly decided upon Frost/Nixon because: 1) Dolberry thought it would be fun to have "Frosted Nixon Flakes" as a blog title, and 2) tbKMD didn't have any say in the matter because she's still serving her 7 movie suspension for picking out M**** M**.

So, while twinkling w/ excitement over the idea of being the #1 google search for "frosted nixon flakes" AND "apathetic coffee drinking Nirvana slackers", I checked out and got the time and location for our movie.

Unfortunately, in my giddiness ... I didn't realize that I was looking at the Thursday listings and not the Friday ones. So when we get to the theatre today we see that we're an hour early for Frost/Nixon and we won't be able to watch it and pick up APD on time. Normally, Dolberry would have advocated just being late, but we were also driving home some of his schoolmates, so that was less of an option.

The only two movies showing at the time we were there were: New in Town and Last Chance Harvey. We saw the preview for NiT and that looked predictable and lousy, so we went w/ LCH. It wasn't very good. Emma Thompson was good, but in at least half of the Dustin Hoffman scenes I think they just had a Hoffman mannequin. I think he was playing the role as the protagonist of this much better film, 42 years later. Unfortunately, I think the rest of the people associated w/ the picture were doing something else altogether.

Anyway, it was a mess of a film, and given our attendance was credited to my ineptitude, I was given a 5 movie suspension from the board ... leaving me a frosted Nixon flake.


Unknown said...

#1 on Google. Yeah MR D!

Anonymous said...

I thought Gma was probably getting cabin fever so I would take her to a movie. Revolutionary Road is Oscar material and the promos said this couple were moving to Paris. I like Paris so I thought I would like the movie. The wife(in the movie) and I were both disappointed that they never moved to Paris and it was a very depressing, boring awful movie. I felt bad for Gma. I'm sure she would have been happier at home+ it was freezing in the theater and popcorn was $5.50 for the medium

Anonymous said...

Iron Man is a pretty good rental.

Pneumono... etc. said...

I googled apathetic coffee drinking nirvana slackers on "I'm Feeling Lucky" and it came here!