Wednesday, April 25, 2007


Lot going on here it seems, but then when I go to put in on blog, it doesn't seem like that much.

Work is busy. This probably won't change any time this year. Oh well. I'm a co-author on a paper that got accepted into Atmospheric Environment today. It's not as exciting as it sounds. Here are the things I'm working on: this, this, and this. I'm doing (part) of a briefing for the Asst. Administrator next Wed. It's not as exciting as it sounds.

APD's team is 0-2 w/ a 10-5 loss and a 10-1 loss. We play another 0-2 team tomorrow, so we will either be incredibly joyous or incredibly despondent by 7:30 tomorrow evening. By "we" I mean "me". APD takes after Dolberry in that baseball/softball can be a good thing if either the team OR the individual does well. It doesn't have to be "and". W/ coaching the team & the individual are kinda the same.

Softball goes on. In Apex we are 2-3. In Cary we lost our first game last night, so we're 6-1. I've pretty much settled into being a pretty mediocre player. Can't remember the last time I've gotten an extra base hit.

Youth group is fun, though it makes for busy Sundays.

I've only exercised maybe twice since doing that triathlon in March. I think I've set some sort of record for fastest getting out of shape.

KMD's had some tests lately that have all come back great, except for having anemia. I'd pretty much figured the burden of 24/7 w/ Dolberry was wearing her down, but there's a physical reason as well.

We're looking forward to the Derby trip. They scheduled a mandatory meeting (for chaperones) to talk about APD's Outer Banks field trip for that Thursday at 2pm, so we may be getting in later than previously thought. Oy.

Papa Sparky is kicking my butt in the blogging department. I get great joy out of the AOOSFB page and the smiling face that's up there almost every day & I know I'm not the only one.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What other blog has Conseco getting hit on the head with the baseball? Funny. Can't wait for one week from today. Mom