Monday, April 16, 2007

Switchfoot Concert

Went to see Switchfoot w/ parts of our Youth Group and other folks from church last Friday. It was a good show. Outdoors on a very pleasant night in a big field. They played the following songs:

Politicians (my current favorite)
Oh! Gravity
We are one tonight
This is your life
Learning to breathe
Faust, midas, and myself
On fire
American dream
Shadow proves the sunshine
Dirty second hands
Meant to live
Only hope
Dare you to move

Needless to say, I felt every one of my 40 years old.

Attending a concert w/ 7th graders did remind me that I still need to give the "Life Episodes" treatment to the Fleetwood Mac concert I almost attended in 7th grade. I assume any negligent parenting charges would have had some sort of statute of limitations expiration by this point.

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