Thursday, April 19, 2007

I Can Fly Wright Brothers Style

APD's class did a great job tonight w/ the annual 4th grade play about the Wright Bros. as kids. APD had the role of Octave Chanute who was an advisor to Orville and Wilbur. He did a fantastic job as did all the kids. It was cool to see him so excited afterward. He said he used the words "good", "great", & "awesome" over 400 times today.

They had a long day w/ the end of the standardized tests, then they stayed at school to get makeup, eat dinner, etc. The play runs through tomorrow night after which they have a big cast party. Very cool. Alex's makeup made him look like a member of the Cure ... had the Cure existed in the early 20th century.

Anyway, he has great teachers, so a shout out to all DCV-reading teachers. Thanks for all you do!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Way to go Alex! I am glad you had such a great week. See you soon. Gma Karen