Thursday, March 29, 2007

Baaaaaaa, part 2

Figured DCV readers would want an update on the Apex sheep story. Here's my favorite part of the whole deal (from a different N & O article)

District Court Judge Jane Gray walked into her courtroom after lunch to see a gaggle of television cameras. "Oh God," she said to the media. "The sheepman?"

Watts' attorney, Josh Hansen, asked the judge to release Watts pending trial. Gray refused but reduced Watts' bail from $30,000 to $12,000. He posted the lesser bond and was released. As Watts was led from the courtroom, another inmate awaiting a turn before the judge loudly bleated like a sheep, earning Gray's ire.



Kathryn said...

Amazing. What is he thinking. I like the way you included the article.You are a high tech blogger! I'll be happy to learn how to add a picture to mine.
Much love, Katheigh

Papa Sparky said...

That was baaaaaad.