Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Some notes from the first day back at work after 12 days off

It wasn't quite as painful as I expected, but all things equal (i.e., they still pay me) I'd rather be off.

APD is in a play at chapel at school on Friday. His character is Doubt, or Dr. Doubt as he prefers. His main line & the reason his teacher cast him in the role starts out w/ the expression "Actually ..." He delivers it well. He has some other funny lines as well & he gets to "drop dead" on stage. Unfortunately, I have to work Friday. Maybe KMD will blog us an account.

We went to see Night at the Museum yesterday afternoon. 5 stars all around. Inventive, clever, non-offensive, funny, good use of CGI, & Ben Stiller is funny as always. Plus, it has a monkey in it. Saw the trailer for the Simpsons movie & Silver Surfer (a HeroClix guy) which both come out this summer.


Papa Sparky said...

Isn't getting to die on stage every actor's career goal? Tell APD to break a leg when he dies!

Anonymous said...

You go, APD!!!! I remember when I was in Our Town, one of the big thrills of my lifetime. Can anyone tape the play? GmaK