Friday, January 05, 2007

1/05 Update

KMD reports that APD's play went great. One mom asked if he was going to be part of their drama program. Guess he was really into it ... delivering his lines w/ some flair. Apparently, the teacher wrote the skit w/ certain "actors" in mind, so it sounded like he was playing APD almost as much as Doubt. (But, that seems to work for many actors.) I wish I'd have taken a few hours off of work to see it. Live and learn.

Also, he got his 2nd Q report card & got all A's and A+'s making the Principal's list. He's really loving school.

KMD is going to a job fair tomorrow morning for Lifetime Fitness. She says she's feeling a "wave" of confidence, so that's good. She's not at all sure what it's all about, though. S'worth a shot.

All is fine w/ me. Am on Day 4 of diet & am doing well, but that's boring enough discussion face-to-face, let alone in a blog, so I won't bother you w/ it any further.


Papa Sparky said...

When does the countdown start? We're on pins and needles.

Anonymous said...

Does this diet allow for tiramisu? Because that's the only kind of diet I go for.