Pat Forde on the Disingenuous Drifter (Bobby P) ... one of the most excoriating articles I've read in a long time.
The Mitchell Report comes out tomorrow. Early leaks (less than w/ most reports) indicate over 80 names are listed as having used steroids/HGH. I may be wearing rose-colored glasses, but I doubt more than 1-2 Reds are on the list. I figure Freel/Farney has probably ingested almost every substance known to man ... but other than that no Reds seem to fit the mold (at least the mold in my mind ... yes I have a moldy mind).
It looks like it's going to snow in Louisville (& Evansville) this weekend, once you get past your potentially flooding rains of tonight/tomorrow. Looks like Louisville will be right on the rain/snow line. Here's where the NWS thinks the heaviest snow will be laid down.

I've been awaiting your comments on the baseball situation. I sorta wish some of the Red's pitchers had used performance enhansing drugs, maybe they could win more games! Just to even the playing field. (Just joshing) I'm waiting to see what will come of this whole thing, I am didtressed by it all.
As for Patrino, at least now the whole country knows what a pitiful person is. How can anyone ever again trust his veracity. I loved the comment made by one writer who said Bobby was ready to call Ark. his home. He said the family have to call for directions to get home.
He leads a Nomadic existance. I guess he figures, you can't hit a moving target.(Or is it a WAlmart)
PS as for the snow, we can only hope! G'Ma
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