We put the tree up on Saturday. Cherish was a little concerned.

This is APD & Dolberry goofing around on Christmas Eve. Oddly, the beautiful KMD did not open an Xmas Eve present, but APD & I did.

The requisite shot of waiting on the stairs to open the gifts on Christmas morning.

APD opening gifts. He got a lot of cool stuff. Heroclix, an architecture kit, a Bears hat, some books, a Chisox lunchbox, tix to Friday's Canes game, a new Bible, a Canes shirt, a Silver Surfer poster, & other stuff I'm forgetting.

The beautiful KMD got a stuffed puppy (Jingle Bells) that Cherish had opened a few days earlier. Cherish thinks all stuffed animals are hers. (She did get a new hare for Christmas.)

This is APD building his mom & dad a house to retire in. I suspect it'll come faster than I wish. Maybe that thought will make tomorrow back at work more tolerable. Merry Christmas everyone!
I'm glad you had a Merry Christmas, we did too. We all gathered at Linda and Larry's and had the usual gourmet feast. It was very enjoyable. Happy New Year! G'Ma
I love the pics. Does Cherrish particularly like hares? I'm glad your Christmas was a lot of fun! Do you have a 4 or 5 day weekend coming up? I'm off from GSs until the 7th and Tim has 4 days off this weekend so life is good.
Hope work isn't so bad today.
We really did miss you, despite what some people (and I'm not naming names - el Cuarta) may tell you. We tried to Skype you on Christmas morning but you were probably on the steps.
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