Friday, January 08, 2010

Snow suckered

Didn't snow overnight. Not even the measly half inch we were hoping to get. That's it ... I'm done w/ winter.

So, Dolberry got an iPod touch yesterday. Very cool. The plan is for it to help me be more organized ... esp during my 45-60 min of bus time each workday. We'll see. At a minimum, it's nice to have a working mp3 player again.

APD won our annual college football picking contest w/ Alabama's win last night. Was very close this year. Had Texas won it would have been a three-way tie.

Finished rereading Grapes of Wrath this week. Didn't remember it being so R-rated. As a high schooler, Dolberry must have been equipped w/ some sort of built-in content filter.  Anyway, great novel.  Love that it starts w/ a drought and ends with a flood.

Ever wonder what Dolberry does with the weekday hours when he's not slaving away on the DCV? (I more wonder why ... rather than what, but that's another blog for another day.). Well ... it's pretty unexciting most of the time, but here are two things I have had a role in. Yay me!

In Dolberry's opinion (IDO), one of the most ridiculous features of our modern connected life is the anonymous comment. Not talking about the DCV (i can tell one anonymous from the next), but about the comment sections in newspaper web editions and more popular web sites. There's no limit to the depravity, vileness, or sheer inanity of the mind that is afforded the freedom not to have to assign their name to their sentiment. Dolberry doesn't partipate in many message boards but the ones I do, I sign my name to any comments. (Yay me, again!)  How gutless do you have to be to hide your ignorance behind a handle? Scares me to know there are people like this out there. I think web sites should require more transparency. Why encourage this type of discourse?  Ridiculoso!

A friend of ours graciously & gratisly painted our living room today,thankfully eradicating the pale pink hue we had there. Dolberry only likes pink on websites ... & tbKMD.

Gentlemen ... quit yer bloggin' ... and start your weekends!!!!


Anonymous said...

It never snows here


Kyle said...
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