Friday, January 15, 2010

Oh Gravity ...

You think strange things when you run late at night ... about gravity and Newton and apples and gardens and why Haiti is still like it is and how it can be hard to be a middle schooler building a character that is suited for a halo in a world more interested in playing Halo and why we put more energy into making what we do look better, or sound better, as opposed to putting that energy into making what we do better ...

Eventually the endorphins kick in and you realize it's not that bad ... and that all the little things we do for the good add up.  And before you know it, your two miles are up, and it's time to go to bed, and to prepare for another day, perhaps tomorrow will be the day we beat gravity and fly.


C-Lo said...

This is why I don't exercise any more. My brain can't take it.

Anonymous said...

I love your comment about Halo. I was talking about this word with my middle schoolers this week. They all knew the game, not the angel!Its a sad world!
Love ya, bro! K