Monday, November 16, 2009

Live Blog: Browns on MNF (part 2)

11:03:  Castle was good.  Browns were not in my absence.  Good night.


Anonymous said...

What you bring to the table is... humor. I would read your live feed of a football game any day as opposed to have to actually sit through one :) I've always thought football should be cut down to 1 half. That's really more than enough. Never heard of Castle- what channel? Really looking forward to seeing you all in a couple days!!!!
Aunt Kris

Anonymous said...

What you bring to the table is... humor. I would read your live feed of a football game any day as opposed to have to actually sit through one :) I've always thought football should be cut down to 1 half. That's really more than enough. Never heard of Castle- what channel? Really looking forward to seeing you all in a couple days!!!!
Aunt Kris