Sunday, May 24, 2009

The Blog is Back (& more boring than ever)

Hey, sorry I've been out of the blogosphere for so long. Like most of you all, I suppose, Dolberry's has his arms full keeping up w/ things in the troposphere. Here's a update ... more like an upmonth ... for those of you who care at all about Dolberry and his crazy shenanigans.

Travels w/ Bono, pt. 2: APD's school had their awards program last week and he won for the 6th grade in the categories of Math, Science, Computer, Bible, and Christian Character. The last one is like the Heisman for GCS. There was one winner for each grade and the principal announced the winners from 11th, 10th, 9th, 8th, and 7th grades. Then he started to close the ceremony down ("There is cake along the wall ...) Dolberry didn't hear anything after the cake announcement ... what w/ the jostling for position and all, but tbKMD said that someone from the back of the stage came up and reminded the principal that there was a 6th grade winner as well. So, he announced "the 6th grade Christian character award goes to Alexander Dol ... which?" It's easy to stay humble when your last name is Dolberry.

My life as Stuart Adamson: Just as Big Country was forever in U2's shadow ... so it goes for Dolberry who won a gold medal for something this year as an EPA drone. I think it was for most improved worker or something like that. I do get to go up to DC for the awards ceremony. There had better be cake. And Administrator Jackson, if you are reading the DCV it's "DolBERRY".

Softball upmonth: Teams are doing fine. One is 8-4 and one is 7-3. Dolberry is actually having one of his better campaigns. Been hitting the ball well for the last couple of weeks. We ran out of outfielders one game a couple of Sundays ago (due to injuries ... i play w/ a lot of old fat guys) and in my first inning out in RF, I totally ran over the RCF who was attempting to catch a ball hit right to him. Ha. I still have a bump on my knee some three weeks later.

Life in General: Is really tiring me out. Yesterday and today were the first days in I can't remember how long that there were two consecutive days on the calendar w/o any obligation. Nothing's on the calendar for Monday either, but I have work stuff to do. (Sunday's are the busiest days of all ... which I don't think is the way it's supposed to be.) I've moved into climate stuff now ... w/ the new administration ... and it's a bottomless pit of activity. Oh, and I've gotten horribly out of shape. Haven't been to the gym, rode my bike, or ran in probably two months. I get winded simply running over fellow outfielders anymore. It's pathetic.

Ah, there's probably other stuff, but I'm getting grumpier and prumpier trying to recall this last month, so I'll stop there. Hope all is well for you.


Dolberry! said...

hah ... prumpier was a typo ... but it was the best part of the whole post ... so i left it.

Anonymous said...

I was so glad to see the re-entry of the prumpier blogger! I seem to have the blogisphere to myself lately.

I think it is great that APD practically aced the 6th grade awards, confirming what we already knew. He's a natural for all of the awards and if there was a subject that he did not get an award for it was because the awarders knew there might be an uprising if he walked off with all of the awards!

As for the gold medal winner, I would like to hear more of the details. Modesty prevented you from telling us just how prestigious that is. Let us be proud of you! Nice to know that others recognize your talent! Ciao,BF

Anonymous said...

I was so happy to see you back in the blogging business. I always look forward to your blogs. Alex rocks!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and so do you. Congratulations on winning an EPA award and hopefully getting a big piece of government cake. Can't wait to see you prumpy guys in a couple of weeks!!!!!!!!!!!

Dolberry! said...

thanks g'ma. it means more than you know that your proud of me.

Dolberry! said...

you're, not "your"

Papa Sparky said...

Hey, Dolberry! I liked prumpier too. I didn't know it was a typo. Awesome news about Alex and your awards. You guys ROCK! Did you go to DC yet? If so, I'd like to read about the full account. I'm really looking forward to seeing you guys and I'm wondering when you're coming in. I'll e-mail you. Glad we get to see you guys a lot in JUNE!!!!