Well, I wish there was a more exciting story, but as it turned out we won rather easily. We had to beat the #4 seed (we were #2) twice since they had routed us last week (25-5), but I think we had the better team ... just had to play that way. And we did.
So we won the first game 12-1 in a 5 inning run rule. Dolberry the coach did not play Dolberry the player (actually, the game ended before I could get myself in). Then we won the second game (in a fairly steady rain for the first 3 innings) 12-2. Our pitcher and defense was spectacular all night. Dolberry went 1-2 in the 2nd game.
We have some guys on our team that are unbelievably good. We hit four over the fence HRs on the night (300 ft fences). And everyone on the team is a good person as well, so it was just a lot of fun.
There are no extra t-shirts this year ... sorry.
We'll be back for our third straight championship next year.
(Nathan, if you want to see the stats ... I'll e-mail them to you. I know you're a BIG softball stats guy.)
Congratulations! Can't wait for details! Mom
Awesome! Tim's hoping he'll get another championship t-shirt for Christmas.
Congratulaions bro! Let that shoulder rest now! Kathy
I cant believe that short entry garnered three (now four) comments. Must be an issue of quality versus quantity?
Congrats. Yes, I want a shirt!
Corey Paterson comes through in the clutch again.
I took that picture
Both me
and Law Offfice in pine green
are 2-0 in championship games!
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