Lost 49-20 tonight to a team in the 200s in the RPI.
According to ESPN it's the lowest score in the shot-clock era. Awesome!!!! Got to watch most of it over the internet. They earned that record. Not a lot of turnovers, but a splendid assessment of back rim clankers and airballs.
Really though, except for the 1st 8 minutes when they only got 1 point ... and those middle 18 minutes where they only got 1 point .... they did exceed a point a minute in the other 14 minutes.
Oh when the saints go marching in ... oh the heck w/ it.
haahahahahahahahahahahha, I'm really nice arernt i
I mean aren't i
I think a loyal fan is a thing of beauty! How many other basketball fans can boast of such a fete! Just think they are the only bbteam in history to ...well, why not when the saints come marching in ? Maybe they just didn't want to "Show 'em what cha got". Bravo!and kudos and all that stuff! G'ma
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