Sunday, September 27, 2009

Quick recap of September

Sorry, I haven't been blogging.  Sometimes I just get in a rut where nothing seems interesting enough to blog about.  Not much of an excuse given that most of the stuff I do blog about isn't that interesting either.  (If you want to read something interesting and actually thought-provoking, go to my G'ma's blog at:

Anyway, here's a quick recap of the Life of Dolberry over the last several weeks.

My birthday was really nice.  I'm pretty old now (43).  Hard to get too worked up about prime number birthdays, so that's good.  tbKMD & APD got me a great book, Joe Posnanski's: The Machine.  You may remember Joe Posnanski from such great links as the one in the DCV banner.  He's a great writer and this book was a great read.  Of course, being about the 1975 Reds I'd have probably liked it if it'd been written by one of the Bronte sisters.  Posnanski does the near-impossible at the end of the book ... make you feel sorry for Pete Rose.  He does this w/o glossing over who Rose is either.  Great book.

Our softball team has been taking a pounding this season.  We're 2-7 and in last place.  And I'm not playing very well.  Still have 7 games left, so there's still time to turn it around.  Conversely, APD's baseball team is doing very well.  They're 6-2 in 2nd place.  Don't think he's ever been on a winning team before, in like 7 seasons of baseball, so am happy for him.  He's played some real good defense this year at SS, 1B ... and pitched a few innings along the way.  Hits like his dad though, unfortunately. 

The main thing I'm looking forward to in life is the big U2 show this Saturday in Raleigh.  Going to be awesome.  6 days away.  There'll be a U2 theme to the blog this week.  Apologize in advance.

A few good Bono quotes to get it started:

Rock music to me is rebel music. But rebelling against what? What are we rebelling against now? If I am honest I'm rebelling against my own indifference. I am rebelling against the idea that the world is the way the world is and there's not a damned thing I can do about it.

We must allow God to encourage us with His angels, but we must never forget the work is always going to be hard. 

This is not a burden.  This is an adventure.  Do not let anyone tell you it cannot be done.  We can be the generation that ends extreme poverty.

But we've got to follow through on our ideals or we betray something at the heart of who we are.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love your blogs. You really do put a part of yourself into your writings. The humor, the compassion and the philosophic discussions are worth reading. Keep on writing even though you think you have nothing to write about. The fact that you make it through each day is noteworthy. Right? Ciao, BF